Life-Threatening Injuries Commonly Sustained in Illinois Car Accidents
While there are many injuries that a victim could suffer in a car accident, some are more severe than others. Life-altering and life-threatening injuries can result in extreme financial losses and may even cause financial devastation for the victim and their family, not to mention the severe physical and mental effects. If you have suffered a traumatic injury, a qualified personal injury attorney can help you pursue the most compensation possible.
Severe Head Injuries
Traumatic brain injuries are one of the most common injuries in car crashes, and they can be deadly because they are easy to overlook. Victims may not have an open wound, bruise, or bump. In fact, a victim might not have even hit his or her head since a traumatic brain injury can be caused by a sudden jarring of the brain, not necessarily a blow to the head. If you notice symptoms of confusion, loss of consciousness, persistent headaches, or other strange symptoms, you should contact a healthcare professional immediately. A victim could also sustain a skull fracture or a penetrating head wound, both of which could be fatal, especially when not promptly treated.
Penetrating Chest and Abdominal Injuries
Any penetration of the body is typically considered a medical emergency, but those involving the chest or abdominal area can quickly turn into a fatal situation. The lungs, heart, bowels, liver, kidneys, and major blood vessels are all contained within these areas of the body. Injuries from a penetrating wound often require complicated emergency surgery to repair, and this can come with high expenses for which you may be able to seek compensation through a personal injury claim.
Broken Bones and Facial Fractures
Broken bones and facial fractures might not seem like potentially fatal injuries, but they can be. For example, a broken rib can puncture internal organs. Of course, most broken bones do not end in fatality, but they are also serious injuries on their own. Fractures can take months to heal, and in some cases, may require repeated surgeries to repair and physical therapy to restore full functionality. Such extensive treatment may be factored into a personal injury case, so it is important that victims seek legal assistance with their claims.
Contact Our Cook County Car Accident Lawyers
If you or someone you love has experienced a serious or fatal injury in an auto accident, contact Schwartz Injury Law for assistance. Our experienced Orland Park car crash attorneys are committed to fighting for you to protect your rights. We will do everything we can to get you the full compensation you deserve under the law. Call Schwartz Injury Law for a free, no-obligation consultation today.