What to Do If You Have Been Hurt in a Semi-Truck Accident
If you have been seriously injured in a collision with a commercial truck or semi-trailer, proving that the crash was primarily the truck’s fault will be crucial to obtain compensation for your injuries. Three things you can do to improve your chances of winning your case are: document, watch what you say, and consult an experienced truck accident lawyer.
1. Document As Much As You Can About a Truck Accident
The quality of witness testimony about an accident can play a crucial role in the determination of fault and the amount of compensation that will be paid. The more you can document about the accident and its aftermath, the better. Start a journal or computer file, and write down everything you remember, feel, and do. Also, take pictures of your injuries, your vehicle, the crash site, any medications or medical devices (e.g., casts or braces) prescribed, and anything else that could later serve as evidence.
2. Watch What You Say and Where You Say It
When you are involved in a personal injury case, heed the warning given to criminal suspects: “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you.”
After a serious accident, the at-fault party’s insurance company will be looking for any evidence they can use to minimize the amount they have to pay in damages. If you say the wrong thing to an insurance adjuster or investigator, you could jeopardize your case. If someone from the at-fault driver’s insurance company tries to question you about the accident or your injuries, tell them you cannot talk about the accident until you speak to your own attorney.
In general, avoid talking about the accident or your injuries with anyone except your doctors and immediate family until you have spoken to an experienced personal injury attorney. Also, avoid posting anything about the accident on social media or anywhere else online, and ask your family and friends to refrain from doing so.
3. Consult a Lawyer
The determination of fault and the value of a person’s injuries are complicated matters, involving issues of law, medicine, and finance. The advice of an experienced truck accident lawyer can be invaluable in ensuring that you receive full and fair compensation for all of your damages.
Contact an Orland Park Commercial Truck Accident Lawyer
When a commercial truck collision results in serious injuries or death, consult a knowledgeable Cook County truck accident attorney. For a free review of the merits of your case, call Schwartz Injury Law at 708-888-2160 in Orland Park or 815-723-7300 in Joliet.